Swedish Post-War Prefabricated Houses

Neil is compiling a location list of Swedish post-war prefabs (sometimes known as Swedish or Swedish timber houses). He grew up in a Swedish house in Pool-in-Wharfedale, Yorkshire, which is still in his family. You can view the list.
The houses were imported from Sweden at the end of WW2 to designs from the UK. The majority are still standing and lived in. There are several different styles but typically, unless they have been re-clad, they have distinctive vertical wooden exterior planking. One pair of dormer bungalows in Ellers Lane, Auckley, Doncaster is listed Grade II by Historic England.
In England and Wales pairs of semi detached houses with single storey ‘wash houses’ (style 1) and semi detached dormer bungalows (style B1) were erected individually or in small groups in mainly rural areas.
In Scotland at least five further styles of houses have been identified (see diagrams 2 to 6 below). They were erected in much larger numbers, sometimes in large urban developments, comprised of semis and terraces of four to six houses. Some of these, perhaps those on the rural Forestry Commission sites, we believe to have been imported from Finland. We have also discovered some of the B1 style bungalows in Scotland.
Can you help Neil with verifying locations and telling us where we can find others? Many thanks to the people who have contacted us and helped identify Swedish prefabs so far! A special thank you to Alistair Vanstone and Carol Smith for their numerous contributions and tenacity in finding them. If you have information about Swedish (or Finnish) houses, please leave a comment on this post, alternatively email prefabmuseum@gmail.com If you can tell us the postcode, name of the road or nearby it really helps us locate them on the old (and new) maps.
We sometimes receive requests for help with renovating Swedish houses and dormer bungalows. If you are on Facebook it is well worth following the page Our Little Bit of Sweden in the UK which is a renovation project of a dormer bungalow, with photos of every stage. If you are, or can recommend, someone who has experience with these homes please let us know by commenting or emailing us. For example the timber treatment used on Swedish houses was Solignum, which is still available and referenced here
Anke sent a useful link to a company which renovated Swedish houses in Scotland
We also receive information about difficulties with estate agents, surveyors and mortgage lenders regarding Swedish houses and dormer bungalows. We believe this is because they are unfamiliar with the type and that they are non-traditional, but are reliably informed that Halifax, Nationwide, Santander and Ecological Building Society have these houses on their books. We cannot give advice but BRE (Building Research Establishment) produced a report in 1995 ‘Timber Framed Housing Systems Built in the UK 1920-1965’, a section of which is quoted at the bottom of this web page http://www.gov.scot/Publi
There are several different styles in Scotland. Neil has provided outlines of the types and numbered each of the houses found. He emphasises that these are not to scale but should be close enough to identify the style.
Comments about this page
Reply to Hannah Fitch
We have lived in a type D for the last 16years and absolutely love it. Warm in the winter and cool in the summer – despite scarily thin exterior walls and probably a very poor thermal rating.
We got a regular mortgage when we bought it- our newer neighbours had to pay cash as the rules changed on none standard construction. They actually had been searching for a type D to buy!
I care less about selling on problems- we will never sell.
One of the first things we did was move the kitchen into the single storey block on the side- which had no services at all just a large stain in the corner from where they used to store the coal. I bought an old farmhouse oak kitchen (masses of units) second hand for very little of eBay and cut and shut and painted so they fitted well in the end. We replaced the front window of the now kitchen with french windows (eBay again) and built a decking area to the front.
We removed the wall between the “lounge” and what was the old kitchen and now have a lovely long lounge /diner. It’s a great entertaining space with a very efficient log burner. No additional structural support was required- but I suggest you get a builder to check your place before you get your saw out.
The other thing we repurposed was the larder in the old kitchen- which is now a fabulous shower space in the downstairs bathroom.
We have removed all of the hardboard from the walls “Katrinite” and painstakingly filled every ill fitting gap (60 plus tubes of decorators caulk) and painted all of the tongue and groove with white chalk paint. It looks amazing. Especially the bedroom ceilings.
There was no tongue and groove behind the hardboard walls opposite the dormer windows in the bedrooms (or on the ceiling above the stairs, or any of the downstairs ceilings), so I made that good and both beds in each bedroom protrude from that wall which is painted a nice strong colour.
We are about to put a shower room in the cupboard between the bedrooms- with a velux window- and I have stolen enough from one bedroom to make a decent shower space. I made a snug office area behind this in the bedroom.
Finally we took the decision based on a decorator friend to paint the exterior with very high quality, very expensive dark grey paint- it looks amazing.
There is still lots to do but we love our type D.
It is lovely to read all this about these houses. We have a type D we believe in Scotland, built in 1955. We are looking to do some work to it, mainly to try to make the kitchen a better space, ours is currently in the almost corridor space in the middle. Has anyone taken down the partition wall between that space and the room that adjoins the next door house in the semis? We’d be grateful to see pictures or hear from anyone who has made changes to the ground floor.
Thank you.
Howden Crescent, Jedburgh. TD8 6JY.
We have had an offer accepted on a Swedish prefab detached bungalow in Bingley but we are struggling to find a surveyor to survey it as we have some concerns. It is £220,000 but a now worried that it would be a gamble to purchase as on our last inspection it quite obviously requires work. It was built in 1975 and is not a timber built one. Not sure how easy they are to refurb?
Prefab sweedish timber houses in keir hardie st in methil fife ky8 3bz. Also metal prefabs in methil lilac bank ky8 2hl.
Hi I live in a swedish timber house, we refurbished it back in 2012. There are 3 other houses in our village, plus 4 dorma bungalows. We live in a little village called Newton Regis.
I live in a 1950 timber house in Netherseal Derbyshire a super house . One of about ten all my neighbours have super homes and I would not sell it The green cladding is a bit worrying but I dare not move it I am 76 and assume this house will last me out lived here 46 years .
Dear Donna
Many thanks for the information which I have passed to Neil who compiles the list. best wishes, Jane
Are you aware of the 20 Western Red Cedar swedish houses in Mill Crescent, Barton Under Needwood, Staffordshire DE138HJ. I own one and they were approx built in 1949
There are lots in The Plies ( Road) Fairford, GL7
There are 4 semi-detached “Swedish” houses in the tiny Staffordshire village of Hamstall Ridware. One belongs to my family, we moved into it in 1964 when it was a council house. My mother bought it many years later. I believe the were built in the mid-to-late 30’s?
There are 2 pairs of Swedish post war houses in Kynnersley Nr Newport in Shropshire. I moved in here 2 years ago the other 3 are owned by members of the same family and it’s a lovely friendly hamlet, one has a brick extension and some of the chimneys have been removed, but they are perfect and still very much loved! If you would like any further details please let me know.
Thank you very much for this new location!
best wishes, Jane
Good afternoon.
There is a development of Swedish chalet bungalows on Hamilton Close in South Walsham, NR13 6DP.
Barrs terrace. Cardross. Scotland
Swedish houses. I believe the timber used was Baltic pine. I’ve renovated mine and as a joiner, I know exactly now how they were built and erected. Any questions just ask me.
Dear David
Many thanks for the information. There is now a marker on the Prefab Museum map with a credit to you and I have passed the information to Neil who updates the list.
best wishes, Jane
We have 3 Swedish dormer bungalow’s semi detatched and a semi house in the village of colsterworth don’t know how long for as they said about bricking round them ,
My daughter lives in one of them ,
Thank you very much for the information and happy memories! The Swedish houses are now on the map with a credit to you, and will appear on the list when Neil updates it. best wishes, Jane
I lived in a Swedish Timber house in Dufermline, Fife Scotland. The address of a whole street of these houses is Blair Drive which is between Dunfermline and Townhill. They were semi-detached, two story council houses and creosoted every two years. Three bedrooms, kitchen, living room and bathroom with a good size yard. They are still standing and great memories.
I live in the Swedish House in Boughton-under-Blean, Kent and we have just finished an extension on the property!
Hello Marti, I am a postgraduate student of Sustainable Heritage in University College London. I am doing my thesis research on understanding the thermal efficiency of the Swedish houses. I am trying to understand how warm or cold it can get inside the Swedish houses. I would be highly grateful if you could contact me and give me more information. Email: sohini.nandi.17@ucl.ac.uk. Thank you!
Hello Peter, I am a postgraduate student of Sustainable heritage at the University College London. I am doing my thesis research on understanding the thermal efficiency of the Swedish houses. I am trying to understand how warm or cold it can get inside the Swedish houses. I would be highly grateful if you could contact me and give me more information. Email: sohini.nandi.17@ucl.ac.uk. Thank you!
Hello Julie, I am a postgraduate student of Sustainable Heritage in University College London. I am doing my thesis research on understanding the thermal efficiency of the Swedish houses. I am trying to understand how warm or cold it can get inside the Swedish houses. I have been trying to contact a few owners of Swedish houses, but without success. I would be highly grateful if you could contact me and give me more information. Email: sohini.nandi.17@ucl.ac.uk. Thank you!
Hello Jacqueline, I am a postgraduate student of Sustainable Heritage in University College London. I am doing my thesis research on understanding the thermal efficiency of the Swedish houses. I am trying to understand how warm or cold it can get inside the Swedish houses. I would be highly grateful if you or your father could contact me and give me more information. Email: sohini.nandi.17@ucl.ac.uk. Thank you!
There are some of the Swedish prefab 2 storey houses in Albany Road, Hornchurch but they’re not on your list.
Thank you!
Hi stumbled across some more today
they are in De Warrenne Place Castle Acre Norfolk PE32 2AQ
there are 2 pairs of houses and 1 pair of bungalows all but one have been refunded clad
but very sympathetically to the original style one is original
Hello Louise
Thanks for contacting the Prefab Museum about your Swedish house in Australia! Can you send us a photo to prefabmuseum@gmail.com ?
best wishes
It seems that one of the b1 bungalows in Breedon on the Hill, Leics. (The Crescent, DE73 8AY has permission to demolish and build 2 houses on the plot
This is the 3rd example I’ve found of one half of a set of semi detached being removed and leaving the other half standing
I’ve never heard of it happening to a traditional built house
Has anyone had any experience or thoughts on this I’m curious as to how it leaves the remaining house as this clearly wasn’t part of the plan when they were designed one can only assume that some sort of structural assessment must have been done in order to get the permission
Any thoughts anyone?
Hi there
I am so excited to find you!! Other’s who love and appreciate these beautifully modern designed houses. My son and I live in a 1950’s Swedish kit home, it alongside 2 others which the Railways shipped out and had built along the Albury / Seymour railway line in Victoria, Australia. I’m currently renovating it, the previous owners let it go and its had been cladded ( it is vertical weatherboards underneath, the condition of them seems good), I’m insulating all exterior walls and bathroom is getting an update, but keeping to its original design.
Both Embo and Ullapool are very smalltowns, villages really. Don’t have exact location though
Many thanks will do that peter
The pair still standing on Broughton Hall Road in Broughton, Flintshire CH4 0QW are currently being renovated. My father grew up in one (48) and still lives in the other (50). It’s the first new kitchen since the original and nowhere near as good. The cladding is not distinctive either, which is a real shame.
The houses in Broughton nr Chester are currently undergoing refurbishment by the council, which includes cladding the outside. In the late 60s thru 80s I lived in one of the houses with my parents and four sisters. My grandad lived in the house next door. My dad still lives in the house. I have some pictures from the 50s that I could let you have
I have been taking photos for swedish timber housing in Lerwick on Shetland and other locations on shetland and also in the highlands of Scotland in glencoe. I am looking out the origional drawings for these houses all of which are very much occupied. The lerwick / shetland housing does not seem to be on your list of properties in scotland. kindest regards sarah jane
We live in a Swedish house in Uley Gloucestershire and we love it – the council have been wanting to ruin it by adding insulation to the outside not sure what material but Historic England are trying to get them listed.
Any work the council have done to them has always been awful – and we so want this preservation to go ahead to protect this iconic post war house – a living memory of Britain in 1946 and the need to provide housing – it still maintains all the original doors and room layouts and all the original cupboards – these houses were designed for comfort and were extremely practical – loads of cupboards wash house and so forth – we still have the coal shed and the original living room large tiled fire place where the solid fuel stove once stood – so proud of it
My father-in-law mentioned two Swedish prefabs in Waterlane near Bisley Gloucestershire
Hi Peter
If you look out for the self building and renovation exhibition ( there several throughout the year)
I went to one last year and there was a company doing external wood fibre cladding and lime render specifically designed for old timber buildings to allow them to breathe
I can look up the details if you’d like
there is a wholewee comunity in sighthill in edinurgh on hailes road and two more inside a small culdesac down from these . they wer biult after the war and the oter two were biult whe i ws about 8 and in 64 now .they are situated to the right and left of calderglen nursery school whuch is wooden and possible swedish as well .
also in tranent in east lothan there is a whole group of them the same as the ones in polbeth . they are on the tranent ormiston road .
Hello Mary, my sister lives in a wooden construction in Waterloo in Wishaw, also North Lanarkshire, Do you have any information with regards to ‘construction’ to satisfy insurance company’s when issuing a police of insurance. Thanks in advance, Walter.
Credit to Andrew Kitchen, please. He provided the tip-off.
Dear Paul,
Thank you very much for the location. We will put a marker on the map with a credit to you, and Neil will add you to the list.
best wishes
The Plies, GL7 4AJ.
Thank you Andrew. Do you have the name of the road, or postcode please?
Small estate in Fairford Gloucestershire look very similar-cannot see it listed above
Dear Peter
Thank you for contacting the Prefab Museum. Although we can’t recommend it ourselves, a Swedish house owner has successfully worked with a timber merchant in Cheshire so it may be worth contacting them Richard Potter Timber http://www.fortimber.demon.co.uk/
Hope this helps, best wishes
my wife and i own the pair of B1 style bungalows in Cucklington Somerset , on your list . I would be interested to know how to upgrade the insulation without causing the wood to deteriorate any more, both houses are pretty good although a few years ago were , before we bought, targeted for redevelopment. also are you aware of any woodwork companies who can machine timber in small quantities to reclad sections of the houses.
I lived in a very nice 3-bed Swedish style house , 12, Cowlesmead, Shurdington, nr Cheltenham [Glos], but it has since been incorporated into a hideous red-brick terrace of 4 houses
[…] Wales, the Swedish homes were distributed in small numbers to mainly rural areas (see the separate ‘Location List’ on the Prefab Museum website – if you can add to or update this list please let us know). […]
Thank you! They are now on our map. best wishes
Dear David
Thank you for contacting us about replacement wood on your Swedish house. The tongue and groove planks were made from Baltic Pine (Pinus sylvestris), which is known under several different names including Russian redwood. A timber supply merchant may be able to help with sourcing this wood. https://www.timbersource.co.uk/softwood/european-softwood-range/redwood
Please let us know if you are successful as we occasionally receive queries about repairs and refurbishment. best wishes
hi can any 1 help me with were and how too get the wood for my house here in kinlockleven House style 4 (Scotland). i am looking for wood for the out side 8 beaces. ???
Hi, there are several of these type 4 houses in Troon south Ayrshire Brodie Avenue……and I think some in Monkton south Ayrshire… Regards Steve
Dear Bill
Thank you very much for contacting us and the update on the Bunwell timber prefabs! best wishes from the Prefab Museum
the houses mentioned at tm122935 6 in all bunwell nr161qz 5 are local authority recently refurbed with new timber cladding,no 20 our house very much extended and extensivly insulated and updated, etensions cladded to match existing houses at local authority request
Dear Marti
Thanks so much for contacting us about your Ebrington Swedish house. The design of the houses was commissioned by the Ministry of Works which may explain the lower standards! There was much confusion between prefabricated and temporary at the time (and now!), despite this the houses were designed to last for 60 years. Our next issue of the Prefab Post is all about Swedish houses, it will be published the week after next. A link will be provided on our Moving Prefab page to view it online. with best wishes Jane and Elisabeth
Hi- we live in one half of the Ebrington (GL55 6NP) style B1 Swedish house. (Almost identical to the one featured in the photos). Very much in original condition save plastic windows and rebuilt porch. We love it. Very poorly insulated yet somehow cool in the summer and warm in the winter. Sound doesn’t travel between rooms like my previous brick house. The only tool required to hang a picture is a screwdriver. I fitted French windows in half a day with ease. The first time we viewed it some 9 years ago we liked it a lot- then we found out it was “Swedish”- (my wife is also Swedish) so we fell in love. However the quality of construction- or maybe design – (or both) is definitely not up to Swedish standards and it’s evident they were only intended as stop-gap accommodation. That said, 70 years later and I’m certain it will still be standing in another 70. Ours is in the Cotswolds- surrounded by immeasurably superior (and expensive) stone dwellings, but for all that it has a charm all of its own- as I said we love it- and I’ll never sell.
Thank you very much for the information and we are glad you’re pleased! We will add your info to our list. Have all of the Swedish houses been clad? best wishes, Jane and Elisabeth
Our house in Horsted Keynes birchgrove rd has just been recladded but unfortunately 1 of the chimneys were removed, house looks like new and fantastic and hopefully will be good for another 70 years plus
Dear Kevin
Thank you very much for the information about the Swedish houses near Wisbech. Generally if they are all (or most) clad at the same time it indicates they are in council ownership and the council has commissioned the cladding. We are not sure what material is used for the cladding, but you have a point! Time will tell we guess. best wishes, Jane and Elisabeth
recently saw 2 sets of houses and 1 set of bungalows at Marshland At James near Wisbech Cambs PE14 8ey
Street view shows them as original but when I saw them all but one was clad with external insulation
I did not think they were suitable for external insulation due to the risk of condensation between the internal and external cladding?
[…] inside the prefab, and we were very pleased to greet Neil Midgley, super-prefab-scout who wrote a blog post about Swedish houses for us, and his sister Gill who lives in their family one in Pool-in-Wharfedale. We will visit […]
Dear Michael, thanks very much for the information! They are now on our map with a credit to you, and will be added to the list shortly. best wishes Jane and Elisabeth
about 4 pairs of semis in Gellilydan gwynedd LL41 4EN type B1 – chalet style, my wife owns one.
Hello again,
I think I have found some more in Scotland:- 32 Langside Cres, Polbeth, Calder EH55 8UW. Houses and bungalow. House , 2 pairs,. Bungalow 16 pairs . Terrace of four houses 9 pairs. . I found them from this web site , about the refurbishment . https://edinhome.com/2015/10/27/polbeth-ewi-to-swedish-timber
There are also some other timber building in Polbeth EH55 8UH, Limefield Ave. I am not certain they are prefabs, may be some one else can take a look.
I am going to bed now, I hope fully I will not dream about Swedish houses.
You already know about the pair of bungalows at Marston Magna. However did you know they have recently sold. Here are the details and the internal photos.
Just remembered about another village containing Swedish House.
The Lynch, Shalbourne, SN83PZ. Bungalow, 2 pairs. One has an extension over the outhouse( kitchen).
I think I have found some more:-
2, Swedish Houses, Hankelow, Crewe, Cheshire East CW3 0JF. Bungalows, 2 pairs. One with a garage extension.
I am still looking for the pair in Dorset, which were up for Auction last year. When I find them I will post the details.
Acknowledgements This briefing guide was commissioned by the Council of Mortgage Lenders. It was written by Keith Ross of the Building Research Establishment (BRE).
The Council of Mortgage Lenders The Council of Mortgage Lenders (CML) is the trade association representing the mortgage industry. Its members comprise banks, building societies, insurance companies and other specialist residential mortgage lenders, which together represent around 98% of the UK mortgage assets. The Council of Mortgage Lenders 3 Savile Row, London W1S 3PB Telephone: 020 7437 0075 Fax: 020 7434 3791 Web: http://www.cml.org.uk
BRE BRE is the UK’s leading centre of expertise on buildings and construction and the prevention and control of fire. Its knowledge-base is available to all in the construction and associated industries. BRE Garston, Watford, WD25 9XX Web: http://www.bre.co.uk
According to this report 5000 timber houses ordered from Sweden. Scotland received 2500 and the England and Wales got the rest.
Hello Jane. It was good to meet you today at the Rural Life Centre Farnham.. As promised here is two other location of Swedish Houses. I have also added the correct addresses from my last post.
21 Ribblesdale Estate, Long Preston , Nr Skipton, BD23 4RD, Bungalows, 2 pairs
Mead Road, Durrington,, Near Salisbury, Wilts, SP4 8DG, Bungalow, houses, 2 pairs of each. All been given a brick external skin.
From my last post:-
Court Farm Road, Netheravon ,Nr Salisbury, Wiltshire SP4 9QU. Bungalow 2 pairs. The rear of the building faces the road.
Short Street, Ludgershall, Wilts, SP11 9NJ. houses, 3 pairs.
Also I found this link to house in Norwich. You might already have it.
If you could ask for information to do with obtaining a mortgage on these buildings, I would be grateful. As I said my Dad has lived in the house since 1964, He has to sell it to pay for his care and I would like to buy it.
Best regards
Thank you very much for the information Philip. Your Swedish prefab is now on our map and Neil is adding it to our list! best wishes Jane and Elisabeth
Thank you very much for the information and locations Carol! They are now on our map with a credit to you, and Neil is adding them to the list. best wishes Jane and Elisabeth
I lived in one in Tidworth. Our house was A Swedish bungalow design. There are 3 pairs of semi. Sp9 7JW. My Dad converted the out house to the kitchen in the 1970s. I believe others have followed. Near by in Short Street Ludgershall are three pairs of house. In Collingbourne are a pair of house. In Knap Close. A little further away in Neitheravon are some mor bungalows. Great site. I would love to find all them all.
We own half a Swedish Prefab at Park Corner, Nettlebed, Henley on Thames – you could RG9 6DT to your map! We have done a fair bit to it, and added an extension, but essentially it remains is as it was built with (mostly) new windows and added loft insulation.
Dear Janet
Thank you for the information. Could you give us more detail of the locations in Ullapool and Wishaw – we found the Embo ones! We will pass the information to Neil who is compiling the list.
best wishes
I grew up in a Swedish house in Balornock from 1960 and my mum lived there until we had to sell last December when she moved into a care home.
I always look out for them on my travels. There are indeed some in Wishaw, and I have also seen them in Oban, Embo (just outside Dornoch) and Ullapool, all Scotland. None of these are listed here.
Many thanks for the information Linda! We will add them to our map, and our list. Jane and Elisabeth
and there are 22 in Brooke, not 11!
I live in one in Brooke, Norfolk, there are also some on Greenways , Bunwell, Norfolk
NN7 3EU have two of the B1 dormer bungalows, They belong to my father and next door belongs to my late grandparents. Both houses will be set for demolition in the near future as a result of an electrical fire which has destroyed one and severely damaged the other, They are both a complete external replica of the blue wooden dormer from your pictures. Nice to have found this website which shares an appreciation of the houses and the history. sadly our history of them as homes is now over.
Thank you very much for the information! Swedish houses and dormer bungalows were manufactured to Ministry of Works’ specification and shipped in prefabricated sections. There was a different specification in Scotland. The houses/bungalows were not part of the Temporary Housing Programme, but a separate programme of imports. Most were erected between 1947-8 in rural or semi-rural locations; Scotland commissioned a further programme in 1949. We hope you are happy with your Swedish house! best wishes from the Prefab Museum
Just moved to HR9 7LD. Four Swedish built dormer houses in semi detatched arrangement. Actually addressed Stockholm Place. Very happy to have any confirmation of the history.
Thank you for contacting us Michael. We will pass on the locations to Neil who is compiling the list!
There are two semi detached units in Lynsted, Kent and I live in one in Teynham, Kent.. The houses have fabulous rural locations and certainly mine is still in good order.
Look at Osier road ME99L, the scaffolding long gone as its an old photo.
Thanks Stuart for the information! We will pass on to Neil who is compiling the list. best wishes
There are three pairs in Gosforth, Cumbria just off the A595:-
Also another three pairs on the A595 itself south of Thornhill:-
Thank you very much for contacting us with the details of these houses. They are most unusual in having both vertical and horizontal planking, and appear to have been there since at least the early 1950s. We are intrigued!
Hi there,
you could check out Pitkerro Drive in Dundee DD4 8** postcode
Not sure if they are Swedish houses but look like it
Thank you for the information!
I have sent a message separately via e-mail, but there are 8 semi-detached houses finished in black planking opposite my house at CB24 9LS – Impington, Cambs. 6 of the houses are substantially untouched apart from pvc windows, and one pair has been altered.
[…] You can read about how we map the post-war prefabs here, and our location list of Swedish timber prefabs here. […]
I Have lived in my sweedish house in Carluke ML8 5BZ for 3-4 Years now still standing strong there is also ones in wishaw the ones in carluke how ever are now having insulation and rough casting done on them which should help preserve them i guess
I have recently moved in to a Swedish house in Loddon, Norfolk. I took over from the previous tenant who had lived in the property for more than 45 years. It still had tin bomb shelter in back garden. Ther are several more in our area at Brooke, Norfolk and Pulham, Norfolk. I love this house. It’s a wonderful piece of history and never realised until I found this sight there are so many still inhabited. Great sight:)
I think there are some in staxton village , between barkston ash and tadcaster.
Unfortunately I have not been there for many years so they may have been demolished.
[…] first step in a much bigger discovery, there were not only Phoenix prefabs in the Hebrides but also Swedish Houses(1)… and plenty of them all the way from Barra to Lewis! So I went back and decided to photograph […]
There are also some located near Westwood Avenue, on Mainholm Crescent, and Mainholm Road.
There are also a few in nearby village Mossblown, on Southside Avenue.
Monkton South Ayrshire in Scotland has them too. Same style as Don Avenue Ka92ae . Also Dalmilling, Westwood Avenue in Ayr, the bungalow style ones are also situated on Mainholm Rd in Dalmilling Ayr as well. Mossblown in Ayr has them too same style as Doon avenue .
Thank you very much for the information, which we have passed on to Neil who is compiling the list. best wishes from the Prefab Museum
Just behind my old Primary School in Scotland, there is a little post-war estate known as ‘The Swedish Houses’: Doon Avenue, Prestwick, KA9 2AE,
and Afton Avenue KA9 2AG.
Also in Ayr: Westwood Avenue, KA8 0RL (low numbers on one side of street)
[…] Sid who regularly contributes to our Facebook page was passing through Stoneleigh in Warwickshire when he came across two types of prefab opposite each other, and shared them with us! The single storey Tarran prefab is currently used as a changing room, and the Swedish Timber prefab is still lived in. Maybe you can help Neil compile a list of Swedish houses? […]
Hola! I’ve been reading your website for a long time
now and finally got the courage to go ahead and give
you a shout out from Huffman Texas! Just wanted to mention keep up
the excellent job!
My husband lived in one of the swedish houses post war, possibly 1948 when they were newly built. Colliertree Road, Airdrie, Scotland. These houses are still standing. If you would like further information please let me know.
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